Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Competitive advantage Sony Essay

1 Introduction Nowadays it has become more and more important for organizations, such as Sony, to differentiate themselves from their competitors by enhancing the way their customers perceive and experience their brand and products. This has become more crucial for the success of Sony due to the fact that the demands and expectations of customers have changed. Today’s market is not only looking at the direct benefits of purchasing a product but also at the added benefits that come with it. More and more competitors of Sony have  changed the way they interact with their customers in order to gain and maintain competitive advantage (Sony, n.d.). This paper will explore the possibilities for Sony to increase sales by drawing attention to the experience of customers using their products. 2 Research problem statement In order to stay competitive, Sony needs to find new ways to enhance customer experience of their products. This entails emphasizing on the whole offering of the organization including, of course, the quality of customer care and product features, but also creative advertising, packaging, ease of use, and reliability (Meyer & Schwager, 2007). At the moment, Sony is facing heavy competition in all their market segments. According to Gianforte (2012), nowadays an organization cannot only successfully compete based on their products/services and price alone. Customer experience has become the new critical differentiator that a successful business should be based up on. This customer experience can have an influence on the buying intention through the following process: Satisfaction Howard (1977, 1983, in: Fornell & Johnson, 1991) found that a positive customer experience leads to high levels of customer satisfaction. According to Olsen, Wilcox & Olsson (2005), consumer satisfaction is a global evaluation or a state of feeling towards a product or service. According to Giese and Cote (2000), satisfaction consists of three general components, namely: – The consumer satisfaction is an emotional or cognitive response. – The response is associated with a particular focus, expectations, product and consumption experience. – The response happens in a particular time Trust With regard to satisfaction brand trust plays an important role in satisfaction in developing a customer base committed to the brand. Trust is a key variable in the development of an enduring desire to maintain a relationship in the long term (Morgan and Hunt, 1994, in: Delgado-Balester, Munuera-Alà ©man). Seybold (2001) adds that trust grows from every experience customers have with a product and service. Bowers, Richardson & Swan (1998) agree with the statement that a positive customer experience can be created  by building trust with them. Brand trust can be created by sending out credible and expert messages. Also, adding a trust appeal to messages (for example â€Å"You can trust on the fact that we do our job well†) increases brand reliability, leads to a more positive attitude towards the brand and increases purchasing intention (Hornikx, 2002). Paul, Schneider and White (1998) found that when customers are satisfied thus have positive perceptions of an organization, they are likely to remain a customer of that organization. In line with this statement Espejel, Fandos & Flavian (2004) and Howard (1977, in: Fornell & Johnson, 1991) found that a higher satisfaction leads to greater levels of loyalty and buying intention of the service or product. This is also confirmed by Gentile et al. (2007) who state that when customers have a positive customer experience, an emotional tie will be created between a firm’s brand and its customers, which in turn enhances customer loyalty. Loyalty European researchers studying during the 1970s business-to-business marketing discovered that suppliers who formed close working relationships with their customers tended to have better customers. Better refers to the fact that the customers were more loyal to the organization. Also, the customers evaluated the suppliers higher. Subsequent research found that loyal customers are more profitable to a firm. The profitability is thought to be generated by reduced servicing costs, less price sensitivity, increased spending, and the recommendations passed on to other potential customers. To strengthen relationships with their customers, and bond them to an organization, most organizations are interested in loyalty programs (Dowling & Uncles, 1997). Buying intention Loyalty is a crucial factor when it comes to buying intention. Light (1994, in: Palumbo & Herbig, 2000) states that building brand loyalty will endure profitable growth as well as sales volume. The positive effect of loyalty on sales is also emphasized by Bowen and Chen (2001). Their research shows that loyal customers increase sales by purchasing a wider variety of the products and by making more frequent purchases. Relation between customer experience and buying intention When taking an overview at the literature mentioned above, a relation between the several factors can be noticed. Literature teaches that a positive customer experience leads to a higher satisfaction. This in turn increases the brand trust. This trust simultaneously affects the loyalty of customers in a brand. In the end this loyalty results in an increase in buying intention. 2.1 Purpose of research Based on the importance of the customer experience and its influence on the buying intention the general purpose of this research is to get an insight in the important determinants of this experience. In order to investigate what determinants Sony should particularly focus on, in the following sections the main research question and the sub-questions are defined. After the questions there will be a review of the relevant literature on the topic of customer experience. Thereafter an explanation of the methods used will be given, followed by the analysis and the conclusion. Based on these conclusion there will be given an advice to the management. 3 Research question Based on the problem statement, the following main research question is proposed: In what way can Sony adjust their communication strategy to improve the costumer experience in order to increase sales? The main question can be answered due answering the following sub-questions: What is meant by â€Å"customer experience† and what are its determinants? Which determinants are of most importance determining the costumer experience? 4 Proposed literature In order to answer the main research question it is of importance for Sony to exactly know what is meant by â€Å"customer experience† and what the determinants of the experience are. This can be found through a literature study. After that they can investigate which determinants are of most importance according to the customers of Sony. In literature several definitions on the concept of ‘customer experience’ have been mentioned. According to Berry, Carbone and Haekel (2002) customers always have an experience whenever they purchase a product or service from a company. Meyer and Schwager (2007) state that customer experience is â€Å"the internal and subjective response customers have to any direct or indirect contact with a company. Direct contact generally occurs in the course of purchase, use, and service and is usually initiated by the customer. Indirect contact most often involves unplanned encounters with representatives of a company’s products, services or brands and takes the form of word-of-mouth recommendations or criticisms, advertising, news reports, reviews and so forth†(in: Verhoef, Lemon, Parasuraman, Roggeveen, Tsiros & Schlesinger, 2009, p. 32). Gentile, Spiller and Noci (2007) on the other hand, use a different definition of customer experience, namely: customer experience â€Å"originates from a set of interactions between a customer and a product, a company, or part of its organization, which provoke a reaction†. This experience is strictly personal and implies customer’s involvement at different levels; on a rational, emotional, sensorial, physical or spiritual level. Verhoef et al. (2009) also state that the experience factor plays an increasingly important role in determining the success of a company’s offering because of the competition in the global. Therefore, organizations need to manage the customer experience in order to improve the company’s success. In order to aggregate a positive customer experience, it is crucial that Sony is aware of the influences on this experience. When looking at determinants of customer experience in literature, the conceptual model by Verhoef et. al (2009) provides an overview of all the factors that have an influence on one’s customer experience. The model can be found in appendix A. Based on the abovementioned model the determinants of costumer experience are: social environment, service interface, retail atmosphere, assortment, price, customer experiences in alternative channels, retail brand, past customer experience. Current research will focus on these determinants and therefore the constructs will represent these determinants. These constructs  can be found in appendix B. Situation moderators and consumer moderators will not be included, because the organization can not influence these factors. 5 Methods and techniques In order to answer the main research question a complete overview of the most important determinants of costumer experience by the Dutch Sony customers is needed. This overview will be accomplished by a thorough questionnaire amongst the Dutch customers. Based on the answers of this questionnaire a focus group will follow in order to indicate the factors which can be improved so a higher customer experience is created. Questionnaire The constructs of the questionnaire are based on the determinants of customer experience by Verhoef et al. (2009), the constructs can be found in appendix A. They are used because their causal effect on customer experience is proven in literature. The questionnaire will be sent to Sony customers as well as non-Sony costumers (details see appendix C). Appendix D shows the questionnaire sent to the respondents. The questions of the questionnaire are linked to the constructs, this linkage can be found in appendix E. After receiving the answers the questionnaire will be analyzed, this process can be found in appendix C. The results of these questionnaire indicate which determinants have the most influence on the consumer experience of the Dutch (Sony) customers. Focus groups The focus groups with a number of twelve respondents per group will consist of six Sony costumers and six non Sony costumers. A detailed overview of the target group and focus groups can be found in appendix C. The content of the sessions will be based on the results of the questionnaire, which will show the determinants that have the most influence on customer experience. The group of people will discuss what they find convenient subjects with regard to these constructs. Based on these subject there can be analyzed which things Sony has to adjust within its communication strategy so the strategy will match the customer’s optimal customer experience. 6 Analysis In order to answer the main research question one must first answer the second sub-question. This question covers the determinants that are of most importance concerning the customer experience. The answers to the questionnaire will provide the information for answering the sub-question. Questionnaire The first analysis is oriented at determining the average scores of each question and eventually for each construct. Appendices F till L show the average score of every question, displayed per construct. These scores are distracted from the scale, reaching from 1 till 5, with 2.5 as the mean of the scale. Questions concerning the social environment show above mean scores, with a 3.6 as the minimum. This means that the social environment is a very important determinant of customer experience. Service interface also has very high scores. With an average of 4.3 the highest scored question of this construct states that customers agree with the fact the co-customization adds value to products. The role of the retail atmosphere seems to be of less influence on the customer experience. The average scores of these question are significantly lower, with 5 out of 10 questions scoring below the mean of the scale. Questions within the assortment and past experiences construct have a score far above the mean. While the questions concerning both retail brand and price mostly score below mean. Next to the average scores of the questions appendix M shows the average score per construct. One can see from the bar chart there are four out of seven constructs that score far above the mean, and three constructs that score about the mean. Therefore there will be concluded that these four constructs (social environment, service interface, assortment and past experiences) are the determinants that are of most importance determining the costumer experience. Focus groups Following to the questionnaire are the focus groups. During these sessions the customers discussed about each of the highly important constructs: social environment, service interface, assortment and past experiences. Certain subjects came up during these discussions, these subjects were labeled, see appendix N. During the focus groups it was found that the past experience mostly concerned the service interface (e.g. the service  personnel) and the assortment (e.g. quality of the product). An important label that was mentioned was the trust that derives from positive past experience, which makes them willing to buy more of Sony. Besides the service interface and the assortment the customers within the focus groups also discussed about the social environment. Reviews and the opinions of other with regard to the experience of a product are seen as important influencers. 7 Conclusion and advice to the management This research is conducted in order to investigate in what way Sony can adjust their communication strategy to improve the costumer experience in order to increase sales. Therefore there is already stated what the definition of customer experience is and what its determinants are. The results of the questionnaire and focus groups show that there are four determinants that are of most influence with regard to the customer experience. Two of these components can be influenced by Sony, namely the service interface and the assortment. The other two constructs, social environment and past experience, are in turn influenced by these components and can not be directly influenced. With regard to the service interface it is of importance that the personnel of Sony meets the requirements that the customers find of importance: kind, helpful, advising and knowledge. These characteristics are perceived to be very important when it comes to a pleasant experience within the store. In addition to the social experience, logically another important factor is the assortment of Sony. The quality and the variety of this assortment is of great importance. The social experience, through service interface, and the practical experience, through the assortment, are both constructs that can be influenced by Sony. The construct past experience can not be influenced by Sony, because of the fact that the experience is already in the past, nevertheless Sony can improve their current service interface and assortment. In that way customers’ past experiences for the future will be positive. In line with  Morgan and Hunt (1994) and Seybold (2001) there was found that positive experiences with the brand creates trust with the customer. These positive past experience will therefore create trust in Sony, which will lead to remaining buying intentions. With regard to social environment the importance of the experience of others and online reviews was noted. Sony can only influence these factors by providing good services (service interface) and products (assortment), so people will evaluate these products and services positive. Based on these conclusions the advices for the management are: Develop a training program for all of the employees: they have to meet certain requirements with regard their knowledge about the products of Sony and to the way they provide their services. After implementing the program make sure that the customers also know of the training, so they know they can trust the advice of the skilled personnel within the store. This can be mentioned at posters, commercials etc. (e.g. on a poster: â€Å"Feel free to visit our store for questions or advice, we keep ourselves up-to-date especially for you!†) Make sure that all the communication expressions emphasize the quality of the products and to enhance the quality of these products customers can be asked to give their opinion about the product on the Sony website. Through this system the chance will increase that a big part of the online reviews will be given at the Sony site. In this situation the communication department of Sony can quickly detect negative reactions on which they can respond to solve the problem. All the visitors of the review will so experience the involvement of Sony, which creates sympathy. Send good quality products to influential people that make movies on YouTube and ask them to review the product. Make clear that you want them to give their honest opinion, and that they also mention that to their viewers. A good Sony product will then get an excellent review viewed by a great amount of customers. 8 References Berry, L.L., Carbone, L.P., & Haeckel, S.H. (2002). Managing the total customer experience. MIT Sloan Management Review, 43(3), pp. 1-6. Bowen, J.T., & Chen, S.L. (2001). The relationship between customer loyalty and customer satisfaction, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 13(5), pp. 213 – 217 Bowers, M.R., Richardson, L.D. & Swan, J.E. (1998). Customer trust in the salesperson: an integrative review and meta-analysis of the empirical literature. Journal of Business Research, 44, pp. 93-107. Delgado-Ballester, E., & Munuera-Alemà ¡n, J.L. (2001). Brand trust in the context of consumer loyalty, European Journal of Marketing, 35(11), pp. 1238 – 1258 Down, C.W., & Adrian, A.D. (2004). Assessing organizational communication. New York, United States: the Guilford Press. Dowling, G.R., & Uncles, M. (1997). 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Last retrieved on December 12th, 2012, from:

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Effects on Children in Single Parent Household Essay

The U.S. Census Bureau reported that about 30 percent of American families are headed by only one parent. Single parent households numbered over 12 million in the year of 2000. According to this, single parent families can no longer be viewed as nontraditional families. These families are all around us today. So, interest has grown as to the effect of these households on Children’s well-being. The most important effect of single parent household on children is in academic achievement. According to the research named Single parenting and children’s academic achievement from Kunz (2010), most single parent households are run by mothers. Therefore, children who lack fathers’ attention can’t have a happy learning environment. They usually perform poorly in school because the lack of guidance on their homework. From this research, we can conclude that for every 100 dollars of child support mothers receive, their children’s standardized test scores increa se by 1/8 to 7/10 of a point. In addition, children with single mothers who have contact and emotional support from their fathers tend to do better in school than children who have no contact with their fathers. We can make a conclusion from this research that because children live in single parent household, they can hardly do well in academic achievement. Emotional effects also play an important role in the life of children growing up in a single parent household. According to the article named Children in single parent homes and emotional problems by Erica Williams (2003), living in single parent household can have many emotional effects on children, including feelings of abandonment, sadness, loneliness and difficulty socializing and connecting with others. Nowadays, because living in single parent household, more and more children become autistic. They can’t develop interpersonal relationship with normal people, which avoid them from surviving in the society independently. Besides, since they are given little attention, there are also other emotional effects on them, including low self-esteem, increased anger, frustration and an increased risk for violent behavior. Further, they are more likely to commit a crime because they want to attract people’s attention. This can not only ruin their lives but also break their parents’ hearts. Although there are so many negative effects on children in single parent households, it can have positive effects on them as well. According to a study at Cornell  University, positive single parenting did not show any negative impact on the social and educational development of the 12 and 13 years old participating in the study. In addition, children in single parent families may exhibit strong responsibility skills, as they are often called upon to help out more with family chores and tasks. Therefore, if children in single parent households are taught and educated by the single parent in an appropriate way, they can become people who are more strong and independent than the normal children in normal families. Because they lack love, they learn how to survive in this complex society and live a happy life and become stronger and stronger. To help the children in single parent households, our whole society is supposed to pay more attention on them. If we can give more care and patience to them, they will become strong but not evil. They are the most innocent part of their families, and they are supposed to be treated as the normal children in normal families. Please give your love and care to them. References Kunz, M. (2010). Single parenting and children’s academic achievement. Retrieved from Williams, E. (2003). Children in single parent homes and emotional problems. Retrieved from

Monday, July 29, 2019

An Explanation of the Use of Imagery and Figurative Language to Convey the Central Theme in Mending Wall, a Poem by Robert Frost

An Explanation of the Use of Imagery and Figurative Language to Convey the Central Theme in Mending Wall, a Poem by Robert Frost In the poem â€Å"Mending Wall†, Robert Frost uses language and paragraph structure in order to develop controversial ideas about the necessity of change and stirring rebellion, and about maintaining individuality. One of the prevalent themes present in this poem is that of change, and when it is necessary. When describing the uselessness of the wall, the speaker says, â€Å"My apple trees will never get across/ And eat the cones under his pines†. Here, the speaker emphasizes that the wall is not needed, and implies that there is no use in mending the wall, therefore advocating for change. The speaker’s believes that the wall is not necessary, shown when he says, â€Å"There where it is we do not need the wall† (line 17). He clearly sees no use for the wall anymore and is thinking practically. Logically, maintaining the wall is simply a waste of time and resources, as it is no longer needed. Frost relays the theme of change and rebellion through the speaker’s questioning of old customs as time goes on. After the speaker suggests that they perhaps break down the wall the reaction he receives is, â€Å"He only says, ‘Good fences make good neighbors’ †Å"(line 27). The neighbor’s repetition and insistence of this proverb shows his devotion to tradition and his unwillingness to change. This proverb has most likely been passed down over generations, once again reinforcing the idea that the neighbor is obsessed with custom and tradition. The fact that the poem ends with this line suggests that no change was established, and that the wall remained. The young, refreshing voice of change is clearly overshadowed by the elder opinion that change is unnecessary if the current system is working. This is an extremely powerful and controversial message, which is especially interesting during a time of such political uproar in America. Another message clear in Frost’s poem is that of the importance of individuality. For example, in lines 8 and 9, the speaker says, â€Å"And on a day we meet to walk the line/ And set the wall between us once again†. The order of these lines is meant to express the irony of the situation. The only time the two neighbors converse or meet is when they are trying to ensure that they won’t be bothered by each other for the rest of the year. This exposes the American culture as an individualistic one, and subtly criticizes the American belief in autonomy. In addition, when describing the mending of the wall, the speaker says, â€Å"One on a side† (line 16). This emphasizes the fact that even when working together towards a common goal, the two are separated. Once again, this stresses the importance of individuality in the American culture; the fact that even when we all want the same thing, we refuse to work together to achieve it, and we look out for our own s elf-interests first. Lastly, in line 18, the speaker describes himself and his neighbor by saying, â€Å"He is all pine and I am apple orchard†. The juxtaposition between these two items is once again meant to describe the separation between the two. Despite the fact that they live in the same neighborhood (and are therefore likely from a similar social class), they are still completely separate beings. Again, through this, Frost hopes to express the idea that individuality is one of America’s core values. Through his usage of language and his paragraph structure, Frost conveys controversial views on American society and its perception of change and individuality.

Diversification for Coke Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Diversification for Coke - Essay Example It also will help Coke to mitigate the risk of the overall business to a large extent as the diversification will help Coke to fall back on another business activity if their core business fails to reach up to the desired level. However, the disadvantages of diversification for Coke can be that it can slow up the progress in the core business segment, can also result in an increase of management related cost towards maintaining the newly diversified segment and can also increase intricacy in the bureaucratic level of the organization. Â  From the year 1990-1997, under the efficient leadership of Roberto C. Goizueta, Coke was able to achieve impressive growth record due to the way the entire process of brand-building was handled by the management. Coke’s business model was based on a successful formula of preparing carbonated soft drinks that appealed to the consumers throughout the world. However, since the passing away of its charismatic CEO in 1997, Coke has stumbled in its endeavor to rise up to the ensuing challenges of the ever-changing business scenario. The constant alterations in the tastes and preferences of the consumers especially towards noncarbonated soft drinks have been one of the banes in the way of progress for Coke. Coke has also faced increasing challenges due to their rigidity towards sticking to age-old beliefs and structures. The company has also lacked a clear vision towards making progress and sustaining progress.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Indigenous People of Australia. Does Australia Need a Treaty Essay

Indigenous People of Australia. Does Australia Need a Treaty - Essay Example Furthermore, the paper also describes Victorian Charter and what it means for the indigenous people. Australia lacks a formal treaty with its indigenous and non-indigenous people which have been a goal for all councils that are planning to give human rights to these people. However, little or no concerns have been shown by the governing bodies of how the treaty should be accommodated with the constitution of Australia to protect the rights of indigenous and non-indigenous people (Broome, 2010). Aborigines, Torres Strait Islanders and other indigenous groups in Australia are the original dwellers of the Australian continent that has been living since 50,000 years. Great diversity is found between different communities in Australia which have different culture altogether. They have different languages and customs and are further divided into local communities that have more diversity in its form. But when the European settlement took place, they did not consider the rights of people th at were originally the inhabitants of the country (Bartlett, 2002). Many people suggest that it would be unwise to form a treaty between aboriginal people because of their demands that would unlikely to be fulfilled. The indigenous people of Australia launched a book entitled ‘Treaty: Let’s get it right’ which was targeted at white people living in Australia and were trying to persuade them they need more than a treaty and reconciliation. The Aborigines have claimed to form a State which is ruled by their community setting up as a ‘Black State’ (Windschuttle, 2001). The book represented that they wanted to negotiate for the self government which seemed impossible for government to fulfil their demands. In Aboriginal politics, the people have always claimed for a separate nation but the main focus of their demand is the sovereignty of indigenous people. Many scholars do not agree with Aboriginal ideology because the whites have now outnumbered the ind igenous people communities and now they have the right to rule in the country. The demands have forced many legal problems in the country (Hinton et al., 2008). Australia has never had a formal agreement on the treaty of indigenous people because Aboriginal have always been portrayed in the light of having no civilized pattern of living or government. The history has shown one sided relationship without covering the story of Aboriginals. They were termed as native savages by misleading people and make bad impressions in the mind of white people which developed hatred amongst them without realizing the truth. Indigenous people were completely overlooked by Australian justice and they did not consider them as relevant parties to compete with their rights. A treaty would eventually recognize and protect their rights that would lead to prosperous Australia (Langton, 2006). A treaty would be a final settlement between indigenous and non-indigenous people of Australia which would make thi ngs calm and would not give rise to civil war. The treaty is the best way for Aboriginal people to advance their cause for their freedom but before that a preliminary policy is needed that could give basic rights to indigenous people. The treaty is the central vision of Aboriginal people and it is an opportunity for them to brighten their future. These people would very far to achieve their vision which they have written many years before. It would

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Evaluation and Application of Thesis Case Study

Evaluation and Application of Thesis - Case Study Example Apart from product differentiation and cost-reduction methods, organizations have to invest in product mobilization to ensure that their products are effectively distributed and are accessible in the market. The design of supply chains has become a complex issue due to the difficulty that many organizations are currently experiencing in attempting to predict the demand of their goods. Competition has further been fuelled by new market entrants and the existence of alternative products in the market that have greatly affected the customer preferences and tastes. Consequently, the ability of an organization to establish an effective product pipeline will have a direct impact on the viability of a business system in terms of revenue and profit generation. Managers have to choose from a number of various pipeline strategies to apply in their business environment, which is the main challenge they have to face today. While selecting a product supply mechanism, the main aim of managers is u sually to expand their coverage in the market and to improve the accessibility of their goods. Hewlett-Packard (HP) is one of the organizations that have been faced with market forces that are threatening to push it out of computer sales business. With the proliferation of computer technology, many companies have flooded the market to capitalize on the high demand that over time has maintained an upward trend. One way that this company would maintain its over one billion customers that it currently controls over the globe, the company has to define a modest pipeline strategy. The most appropriate pipeline strategy for this company would be optimization of material and product flows in the market. This demands that the company determine a digital content management initiative to ensure that they keep it simple and efficient to provide information to their esteemed customers concerning their products. To satisfy the demands of their customers, this company requires adopting lean or gr een production strategy that has become a feature of successful manufacturing companies. Multinational Corporations have resorted to lean production as part of modeling their product flow paths within the diversified market environment. As Hsu, Tan Kaman and Koeng (2009) point out, the success of a firm passes through the control of its supply chain and that this strategy has become a core element in international markets. The supply chain management improves the flow of materials and information from the source to the delivery points; thereby satisfying the demanding needs of the customers. In essence, employing lean strategy will have a significant benefit on the manufacturer as well as the customers in the market. A unique benefit of the lean design is its ability to improve product flow through time and cost based strategies as part of improving the operational effectiveness. In lean strategy, the manufacturing company aims at reducing cost by reducing the amount by product asso ciated with manufacturing of a particular good. In addition, the company optimizes its production cost by reducing any business operations that have no associated contribution to the business revenues. By minimizing the cost of production, a company that employs a lean strategy will be able to reduce its prices per unit products and hence attract more customers in their organization. The link between lean design and supply chain is that it is much easier to push

Friday, July 26, 2019

Internet Law - ODR or Litigation (the detailed question is below) Essay

Internet Law - ODR or Litigation (the detailed question is below) - Essay Example The essay discusses the advantages and disadvantages of ODR and explains why it is the most preferable method in the modern world. The essay also discusses the efforts put in place in the EU to increase the effectiveness of ODR, for example, the Regulation on Consumer ODR and the EC Directive on Consumer ADR of 2013. In addition, the essay considers the Brussels I Regulation is explaining why ODR is the best method of dispute resolution. The advanced communication and information technologies have enabled resolution of disputes through videoconferencing, email, or both. ODR can be used to resolve disputes that arises from the e-commerce transactions or other disputes that are not related to the internet. Online Dispute Resolution has provided an alternative to the traditional legal ways of solving cases that involve a judge who decides the cases at the court. The conflicting parties can, as well meet in person and negotiate their disputes and at the same time, combine with online-based resolutions to enter into agreements.1 Such combinations of â€Å"online† and â€Å"offline† interactions are also considered to be part of Online Dispute Resolution. There are increasing numbers of organisations that provide Online Dispute Resolution services around the world. These organizations are growing the modern trend of easing the courts with voluminous cases by providing a simpler and low-cost platform for peop le to resolve their cases.2 Online Dispute Resolution takes different forms, which may include mediation, arbitration and negotiation. Mediation involves resolution of disputes between two conflicting parties using a mediator. The parties present their arguments, issues and evidence to the mediator who a neutral third party in the private and voluntary process. Mediation can be done exclusively via email and/or videoconferencing, or by physically meeting in one room. In some

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The geographical history of Map making Research Paper

The geographical history of Map making - Research Paper Example This paper seeks to explore the science of map making with respect to its rich history culminating to modern maps. A map is a diagrammatic representation of a part of the world using from a bird’s point of view to provide guidance to the user on designated landmarks and geographical locations. In this respect, maps indicate the location of important elements in a specified part of the world such as political boundaries, natural resources, roads, topography, as well as economic activities. The science, study, and the art of making maps are descriptive of cartography, which involves examining the information conveyed, and its effective application. The importance of maps cannot be understated as they serve to provide guidance and direction to an area of interest. In this regard, exploration of new areas is easily facilitated by studying maps relevant for direction to various regions. This ensures safety of individuals involved, as they are aware of their surrounding keeping away from potential harm such as cliffs, raging waters, and hot deserts, which facilitates effective tourism. Similarly, geographical illustrations indicate flight patterns that ensure safety in air travel. Notable also is the role of maps in illustrating weather patterns, which is critical for individuals in the vicinity. To this effect, warning can be delivered effectively to residents in the event of eminent weather catastrophes. Maps also serve to safeguard infrastructure through effective planning and engineering. For instance, utility companies such as gas and electricity own maps indicating their infrastructure network, which is critical in the management of cities. This ensures that developers are aware of the network and thus work around it to preserve its integrity and avoid economic repercussions. The most remarkable role of maps, to both ancient civilisations and modern society, is demarcation of borders at national and international levels. This is critical to enhance peace and foster cohesion amongst different cultures in the world. Maps provide a unique opportunity to establish territorial boundaries that fundamental in defining jurisdiction with regard to legal systems and economic activities. International boundaries are often vocal in determining trade among nations, which serves to influence prices of various products such as oil in the world. In addition, maps are of economic importance owing to illustrated trade routes and cargo tracking, which provides essential information to various business parties. In essence, maps are important tools that facilitate understanding and navigation of the world around us. Depending on the application, various kinds of maps exist to illustrate different aspects of the world’s phenomenon. Physical maps indicate identifying physical features of the land with respect to terrain, topography (elevation), rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans. These find effective application among explorers in their navigation an d among policy makers as they plan development projects. Similarly, movement maps are highly specialised to indicate transport networks such as road maps in order to guide users on how to get a round. Distribution maps highlight the presence or absence of a desired interest in an area; for instance, the maps can be used to illustrate demographics or the availability of natural resources in a region. Political maps highlight national and int

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

M4A2-Conflict Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

M4A2-Conflict - Essay Example Accordingly, the behavior enables the conflicting parties brainstorm on several alternative solutions to a conflict. Another characteristic that is highly correlated to solving conflicts is a high score of conscientiousness in personality. This characteristic is demonstrated through proper planning, time management and level of adherence to predetermined schedules. From the conflict experience, individuals with this behavior are well-organized and desire to achieve in their responsibilities. Accordingly, this personality trait will enable conflict managers to clarify tasks, delegate authority and schedule work processes in order to minimize task confusion in the organization (John, Robins & Pervin, 2010). Another essential behavior is agreeableness trait of personality since it allows an individual to show empathy to other parties that leading to emotional comfort (John, Robins & Pervin, 2010). The trait is critical in ensuring that conflicting parties take responsibility for the sou rces of conflict and forgive each other without harboring any negative emotions (Burger, 2010). Another behavior that is essential in managing conflicts is emotional stability. From the past conflict experience, emotional intelligence leads to emotional stability thus ensuring aggressive behaviors and negative perceptions are control in conflict resolution (John, Robins & Pervin, 2010). I understand the emotional intelligence will encompass self-awareness, self-control, internal motivation and social skills (Burger, 2010). For instance, self-awareness enables a conflicting party to attain self-identity and self-worth thus facilitating cordial relations with other conflicting parties. I believe collaboration and ability to maintain trust between or among the conflict parties is essential in managing conflicts since it facilitates the establishment of cordial relationships and efficient communication (McCrae, 2002). Mutual trust will minimize negative perceptions and suspicions among conflicting parties and enhance goal interdependence (Burger, 2010). Another behavior pattern that is useful in conflict management is ability to maintain calmness and avoid nervousness especially when faced with challenging and new conflict situations. This characteristic enables the conflicting parties to have confidence in one’s ability to deliver a mutually acceptable solution and enhances cooperation. From my value clarification and conflict management self-assessment results, I scored lowly in various realized values. I scored lowest realized values in initiating control to move the conflict through roadblocks. Accordingly, I scored lowest in realized values in positioning one’s thinking in order to influence others’ opinions/decisions. Another lowest score in idealized values was in providing answers, even if unsure if they are correct and making confrontations when needed. From the set of items with lowest realized values, I conclude that my personality and behavioral patterns are ideal for conflict management. Since I score lowly in initiating control to move the conflict through roadblocks, I conclude that I am more open-minded and encourages suggestions of conflicting parties in the process. In this case, I will be capable of exploring alternative solutions and implementing new ideas

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Answer the 4 questions at the end of the case study

Answer the 4 questions at the end of the - Case Study Example It is evident from the report of McGowan (2004) that putting denial of market access for Mexico is unjustified due to the fact that other countries like fishing agencies of Costa Rica and Ecuador and even USA are also purse seine method to catch tuna; therefore only increasing world demand as the United States was not integrating with a particular market. Figure 1 illustrates the negative impacts to supply and demand that the imposition of an embargo imposes. Figure 1 Imposing embargo not only created trade barriers for Mexico but also caused a loss of millions of dollars for the countries involved in the dispute. It is evident from the argument of McGowan (2004) that fishermen of Mexico use purse seine methods due to non availability of alternatives; alternatives which ultimately could have saved the life of dolphins. Within such a context, a consideration of the research work of Porter (2006) reveals the fact that USA should provide knowledge and resource support to Mexico fisherme n in order to encourage the use of alternate fishing methods; instead of purse seine nets. Porter (2006) found that using purse seine nets can cause serious damage to aquatic eco-system and might even increase death threats for dolphins. However, fishermen in Eastern Tropical Pacific (ETP) still using purse seine nets which are posing death threat for dolphins. ... Question 2: Did the U.S. denial of market access ultimately work? Answer: The U.S. imposed a denial of market access for tuna imports from countries like Mexico, Costa Rica and Ecuador which were known to use purse seine nets. Recently, the USA and Mexico have both appealed to World Trade Organization (WTO) regarding favoritism in tuna exportation (United States Trade Representative, 2012). Mexico subsequently challenged the U.S. denial by stating that fishermen of the USA are also using purse seine nets to catch tuna. In 1992, after the meeting between USA representatives of countries whose market access was denied by U.S, Dolphin safety panels were installed in most of the nets. As could easily have been predicted, the United States denial of market access had both positive and negative impacts. Firstly, it allowed the partner nations to lose a great deal of business revenue and merely shifted the supply and demand curve for tuna throughout the regional and global markets. Secondly , it can be stated to have had a positive impact due to the fact that the United States and partner nations realized that this trade dispute was having negative impacts upon their own respective economies; thereby encouraging them to address the issue and seek to improve tuna fishing technology to better safeguard the plight of the dolphins. Due to such measures, dolphin mortality rate was decreased significantly between1986 to 1998. Figure 2: Decrease in Total Dolphin Death (Source: Czinkota & Ronkainen, 2002) However, U.S denial of market access cannot be classified as only factor behind the sharp decrease in dolphin’s mortality rate because coagulation of other

Pride and Prejudice & The Merchant of Venice Essay Example for Free

Pride and Prejudice The Merchant of Venice Essay Shakespeare and Jane Austen both present strong feeling of love, revenge, hatred and friendship. They are two different types of stories, ‘Pride and Prejudice’ is a novel and ‘The Merchant of Venice’ is a play so therefore they both have different ways of presenting strong feelings but they do have some similarities. In ‘Pride and Prejudice’ strong feelings are presented by: 1. The Narrator 2. Letters 3. Dialogue Whereas in ‘The Merchant of Venice’ strong feelings are presented by: 1. The characters 2. Long Speech’s One way that Jane Austen presents strong feelings is through letters. Throughout the play Jane Austen presents strong feelings of love, hatred or sorrow by writing letters, for example when Darcy writes a letter to Elizabeth after their heated conversation when Elizabeth rejects Darcy’s proposal, you can see what Darcy is feeling:- â€Å"Pardon me, It pains me to offend you† You can clearly see that Mr Darcy thinks that this letter would upset Elizabeth because he says in the letter that he is so against the relationship between the relationship and possible marriage between Jane and Mr Bingley. In ‘The Merchant of Venice’ Shakespeare present strong feelings through long speeches as â€Å"The Merchant of Venice† is a play, so the audience can see the strong feelings:- â€Å"’The pound of flesh which I demand of him is dearly bought; ‘tis mine, and I will have it† pg. 70. This is when Shylock demands his pound of flesh of Bassanio. This long speech is when the Duke is questioning Shylocks unusual bond. Shylock the Jew is determined to take revenge and to take the pound of flesh. The ‘Merchant of Venice’ is a play, so you cannot see feelings through letters; this is why Shakespeare presents strong feelings through speeches. Another way that Jane Austen’s novel and Shakespeare’s play are similar is that both stories have many relationships. Elizabeth and her sister Jane are very close and share secrets:- ‘†When Elizabeth and Jane where alone†¦ expressed to her sister how very much she admired him†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ or pg. 309 Elizabeth has 4 sisters, Lydia, Kitty, Mary and Jane. Elizabeth and Jane are very close as they are similar in age, whereas the other sisters and much younger and Elizabeth thinks they are very immature. In ‘The Merchant Of Venice’ Antonio and Bassanio have a very close friendship you may even say that they are like brothers. Antonio agrees to the bond so he can lend money to Bassanio so he can go to Portia. You can see that they are very close as Antonio is willing to give his life for Bassanio. When Antonio is in the court and about to die, Bassanio is right by his side. ’I’ll seal to such a bond’† ’† You shall not seal to such a bond for me’† (Bassanio) Even though Bassanio wants to stop Antonio from agreeing the bond, Antonio is determined to seal the bond as he thinks his ships will be back within 3 months, but unfortunately they crash out at sea and all his money is lost. As well as strong friendships Jane Austen and Shakespeare also involve many relationships to sh ow strong feelings of love. In ‘Pride and Prejudice’ Mr Darcy and Elizabeth have a strong relationship. Similarly, in ‘The Merchant of Venice’ Jessica and Lancelot also have a strong relationship. In both stories they will do anything for love, even if it means betraying their religion or their social class. In ‘Pride and Prejudice’ Mr Darcy thinks that having money and having social class is very important, so when he falls in love with Elizabeth; who hasn’t got much money and who hasn’t got social class and standing Mr Darcy feels ashamed that he loves Elizabeth but he still proposes to her even though all his friends think that this is wrong:- â€Å"’In vain I have struggled. It will not do†¦You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you’† pg. 56 In ‘The Merchant of Venice’ Jessica and Lancelot betray their religion. Jessica is a Jew and Lancelot is a Christian and even though they are not supposed to mix they still elope and get married:- â€Å"’Bestrew me but I love her heartily’† pg. 35 This makes Shylock, Jessica’s dad very angry because when Jessica marries L ancelot she becomes a Christian. Another way that Jane Austen and Shakespeare present strong feelings in ‘Pride and Prejudice’ and ‘The Merchant of Venice’ is through strong characters. In both stories there are many characters, but the two main characters are Elizabeth and Shylock. They are both very strong minded and not afraid to speech their mind. In ‘Pride and Prejudice’ Elizabeth is very different to other characters in the novel. Female characters in the novel believe that looking good, behaving well and keeping their feelings to themselves is very important, Elizabeth isn’t bothered about speaking out or not looking well, for example when Elizabeth walks to see her sister Jane in the Bingleys house, Bingleys sister and friend are very surprised that she walked all this way in the mud and they even say that it isn’t very ladylike! Lady Catherine De Bourgh who is very high in class asks Elizabeth if she wants to come to London with her, and Elizabeth says no. â€Å"You are all kindness, Madam; but I believe we must abide by our original plan. † Pg. 175 In ‘The Merchant of Venice’ Shylock is very strong minded and is singled out of the play because he is a mean Jew that charges interest. Shylock is very stubborn and determined to keep to his bond; a pound of flesh of Antonio. â€Å"’If every ducat in six thousand ducats, Were in six parts, and every part a ducat, I would not draw them; I would have my bond’† Pg. 9 This is from the scene when the trail takes place. This is when Bassanio offers Shylock 6 thousand ducats, but Bassanio fails as Shylock is determined to take a pound of flesh from Antonio no matter how many ducats Bassanio offers. Shakespeare presents Shylock as a horrid Jew so the story becomes interesting and that there is conflict between the Jew and the Chr istians. In addition Jane Austen and Shakespeare present strong feelings through the narrator in ‘Pride and Prejudice’ and asides is ‘The Merchant of Venice’. This is a great way of showing feelings. In ‘Pride and Prejudice’ the narrator is one of the main ways of showing feelings:- â€Å"The contents of the letter threw Elizabeth into a flutter of spirits† The narrator has been very successful putting an image into our heads of Elizabeth being thrown into a state or turmoil, having read her aunts letter in which she said how much she liked Mr Darcy. In ‘The Merchant of Venice’ asides are used as it is a play, so there can’t be a narrator. Asides are where the character is talking to the audience and the other characters on the stage can’t hear:- â€Å"[Aside] how like a fawning publican he looks! I hate him for he is a Christian† pg. 13 From this aside you can tell that Shylock has very strong feelings of hatred for Bassanio. In this scene the only people on stage are Shylock and Bassanio, so an aside is the perfect to show how Shylock is feeling without Bassanio knowing. In ‘The Merchant of Venice’ Shakespeare uses repeated phrases to make an impact of strong feelings:- â€Å"My daughter! O my ducats! O my daughter! Fled with a Christian! O my Christian ducats! My ducats and my Daughter! † pg. 40 This is when Solanio is mocking Shylock when he realises that his daughter has eloped with a Christian. From these repeated phrases the audience can see that Solanio is emphasising Shylocks utter despair for his ducats and his daughter. Jane Austen and Shakespeare present strong feelings through prejudice. In ‘Pride and Prejudice’ there is prejudice against woman and people without lots of money. In ‘Pride and Prejudie’ woman only existed to be married off. Unless there family’s had lots of money this was very difficult and they would be at the mercy of men who might take pity of them or who had no chance of marrying well themselves. â€Å"She is luckily too poor to be an object of prey to anybody† pg. 92 This quote shows prejudice. Mr Bennet and Elizabeth are talking about Lydia’s trip Brighton, Elizabeth is worried that she will marry the wrong man, but Mr Bennet isn’t too worried as Lydia is too poor so no man will take interest in her. In ‘The Merchant of Venice’ the Christians are prejudice against the Jews. All the Christians hate them just because they aren’t Christians, they are only tolerated because they are good business people and money lenders. When they go out of the ghetto they have to where reds barets so everyone could see that they are Jews and so they stand out. Shakespeare presents strong feelings. There are many times that Antonio calls him a dog. This shows that Shakespeare also uses repeated phrases to make a big impact to the audience:- â€Å"You call me misbeliever, cut-throat dog, and spit upon my Jewish gabardine† pg. 15 This shows how Antonio despises the Jews, and this is what prejudice is. Jane Austen’s novel, ‘Pride and Prejudice’ and Shakespeare play, ‘The Merchant of Venice’ where written in two completely different time periods. ‘The Merchant of Venice’ was written in 1596, because it is so late in history the language that Shakespeare uses is very old and different from other plays. In 1596, many people could not read so a play was very useful. The audience for ‘The Merchant of Venice’ would manly be suited for the older generation. ‘Pride and Prejudice’ was written in 1813, many more people could read in 1813 so an interesting novel was well suited. The novel was aimed at readers like characters in the novel. Both Jane Austen and Shakespeare wrote many stories that people still read today. Another way that Jane Austen and Shakespeare present strong feelings is through the behaviour of the characters. From showing strong feeling through behaviour the reader or audience can clearly see what the characters feeling for whatever the emotion is. In ‘Pride and Prejudice’ the behaviour of the characters is very important as we can see what they are feeling:- â€Å"Oh my dear Eliza! Pray make haste and come into the dining room, for there is such a sight to be seen! † pg. 132 From this quote you can clearly see that Maria, Charlotte’s sister, is incredibly excited that Lady Catherine has arrived at her house, but she makes a mistake, it’s only Mrs Jenkinson. Jane Austen presents strong feeling in this quote of excitement and anticipation. In ‘The Merchant of Venice’ there is many strong feelings presents by Shakespeare through behaviour. Shakespeare presents these strong feelings through behaviour so the audience can see what the character is feeling. â€Å"O noble judge, O excellent young man! † pg. 76 This is when Portia, disguised as the judge says Shylock can have his bond; a pound of flesh of Antonio. Shakespeare present Shylock very excited and happy through his behaviour and the tone of voice that Shakespeare makes Shylock use. Furthermore, Jane Austen and Shakespeare present strong feelings in ‘Pride and Prejudice’ and ‘The Merchant of Venice’ through points of great intensity. This is a great way that the reader and audience can see strong feeling and great intensity! Elizabeth finds out that Darcy has been instrumental in getting her sister and Bingley together, which makes her very happy. After rumours of a forthcoming engagement between Darcy and Elizabeth start to surface before Darcy has even proposed, Elizabeth is more than a little anxious when she and Darcy take a walk together. Elizabeth’s feelings towards Darcy have completely changes since his first proposal, the two are now both in love with each other, by Darcy is not sure of this and says: â€Å"If your feelings are still what they were last April, tell me so at once† pg. 303 This moment is a moment of great intensity for the reader as you are not sure that Elizabeth is going to say! The reader can become very anxious for Darcy and Elizabeth. Jane Austen shows feelings through this scene because it is a very good way for the reader to become a part of the book.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Resistance of a wire Essay Example for Free

Resistance of a wire Essay George Ohm discovered that a circuit sometimes resists the flow of electricity. He called this resistance. The rule that George Ohm came up with for working out the resistance of a wire is as followed: V/I = R V Volts I Current R Resistance This is known as Ohms Law Prediction The purpose of this experiment is to investigate the factors that affect the resistance of a wire. The hypothesis that I intent to prove or disprove is resistance will increase as the length of the wire increases, and resistance will decrease as the wire gets thicker. The experiment to come to this conclusion will be conducted as follows: firstly we attached three wires to nails that were held in place by a wooden board. The wires were attached o the nails by crocodile clips. The wires were all of different thickness, i. e. thick thin and medium circumferences. Electricity was supplied from a mains point,(in the form of volts) and from this high medium and low currents were passed through each of the wires. After all of the various currents had been passed through all of the wires, the resistance will be recorded using an ohm metre. After all of the initial measurements have been taken, the ohm metre will be moved 10 cm further away from the power supply for each of the wire, and will be further repeated in intervals of 10 cm to see if the length of the wire has any bearing on the resistance of the wire. All of the results will then be recorded in a table and then illustrated graphically to assist in the analysis of the end results. It is my prediction that as the current increases, and the length of the wire becomes longer; the resistance (measured in ohms) will increase as well. It is also my belief that as the wire gets thicker, the resistance will decrease. I also believe that the relation ship will prove to be linear and proportional between length and resistance . I devised this prediction after some careful and well thought out use of my scientific knowledge; the reasons I give for my prediction are as follows. The voltage travelling through the wires is a driving force, which effectively pushes the current around, acting as a kind of electrical pressure. A simple analogy to explain this would be to use the example of a hosepipe, i.e. a hosepipe with a greater circumference will offer less resistance than one with a smaller circumference, and also there is less surface area on a short piece of hosepipe, once again creating a smaller resistance. Also inline with my earlier analogy I believe that it will be a proportional relationship because if u double the length you double the available area for atoms within the wire The same principle can be used to explain resistance of a wire. The voltage is trying top push the current around the circuit, and the resistance is opposing it. The relative size of the voltage and resistance decide how big the current will be. So therefore if you increase the voltage, more current will flow, or more voltage will be needed to keep the same current flowing. So as a consequence I believe that a long thin wire, and the smallest will offer the greatest resistance by a thick short wire. Below is a diagram taken from the SEG physical processes revision guide (Richard Parsons 1998) that will graphically explain my above analogy. The independent variable of the wire is its length and the dependant variable of the wire is the resistance. The factors that will be kept constantly the same throughout the experiment are as followed: The thickness of the wire. The type of wire. The temperature. Safety precautions This experiment is relatively safe. The only two safety precautions that need to be taken into consideration during this experiment are: Make sure the surface you are carrying the experiment out on is dry, as a water is a conductor of electricity, and is very dangerous if they react together. Whilst the multimeter is turned on make sure you do not touch the wires, because they become very hot throughout the course of the experiment. Obtaining Firstly I attached the wire to a meter ruler with sticky tape. Then I switched the multi-meter on. The multi-meter is connection to the wire via the crocodile clips. I then recorded the resistance, lengths ranging from 0 100cm. Increasing by intervals of 10cm each time. Thick wire Low Current Medium Current High Current Length (cm) Volts (V) Ohms (R) Volts (V) Ohms (R) Volts (V) Ohms (R) Average Resistance Medium wire Low Current Medium Current High Current Length (cm) Volts (V) Ohms (R) Volts (V) Ohms (R) Volts (V) Ohms (R) Average Resistance. Thin Wire Low Current Medium Current High Current Length (cm) Volts (V) Ohms (R) Volts (V) Ohms (R) Volts (V) Ohms (R) Average Resistance Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Electricity and Magnetism section.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Communication In Health And Social Care Management

Communication In Health And Social Care Management According to Schneider et. all 2001 and Rogers Maslow , humanistic theory every human being has exceptional and inborn identities and natural potentials. These are the goals that direct them to achieve their full potentials. Maslow defines that individuals have specific requirements and needs which must be met in a hierarchical style and it happens from bottom to top. Another author Rogers has noted that every individual has a particular frame of reference according to their self concept or self regard. These are ones own perception or faith about themselves. It is a theory that highlights on individuals capacity for self track, understanding, basic needs, achievement needs, self-actualization, safety needs etc. According to Maslow, individual should achieve Hierarchy needs in order which are shown below: Lattal and Chase (2003) has noted that behaviorist theory means the way of conditioning through interaction with the environment with no consideration to the mental state. According to them it is a theory related to psychology and it is based on the proposition that behavior can be researched with evidence with no recourse. Behaviorism is mainly relevant to skill development and the substrate of learning. Usually phobias and neurosis treatment can improve individuals behavior significantly. According to Fritscher 2003, it is a theory that attempts to explain human behaviour by understanding the thought processes. In 21st century Greene brothers (2008) have noted that this theory explains social environment in learning. They showed that environment and self have a reciprocal relation. In addition, this theory fix which environmental factors should be observed, when should be observed, what should be conferred on them or whether they have any long lasting effects or is there any emotional or motivating power etc. Another important thing is, usually human beings make the decisions by thought processes. A diagram of cognitive is given below: In 1998, a famous author Nasio states that psycholanalytical theory defines that human mind is compared to an iceberg: we only see a little bit of it (the conscious) peeking out above the vast depths of the unconscious. According to this theory, there are many inner forces outside of peoples awareness those direct their behavior. For example, (assume) Dominika has built up a relationship with a boy recently. Suddenly she started calling him by her ex-boy friends name. the reason of this may be Dominika misspoke her ex-boy friend because of misgiving about new relationship. another author Friedlander (2003) has noted that it is a theory which defines the dynamics of personality, psychoanalytic, psychodynamic and psychotherapy development. This theory helps to treat people with psychological problem in different ages especially who live in multi-cultural societies. Review the application of a range of communication techniques for different purposes used in health and social care work. At this age, proper communication techniques in health and social care are becoming more and more important as service users from different cultures are being added continuously (Moss, 2007). Also effective communication is essential to have good productivity. Windsor and Moonie (2000) define that, communication techniques can be verbal, nonverbal, written, facial/ body language or listening. Verbal: it is way of communication where people communicate face to face. Sounds, words, speaking, and language are the key elements of verbal communication. For social care work verbal communication style is very important as it influences the service users. Social workers should speak slowly, clearly and politely. They should have softness in speaking. Non-verbal: non-verbal communication can be used in Health and social care workplace as well. It is a communication process through sending and receiving wordless messages. Gestures, facial expression, body language, using meaningful symbols, sign languages, touching, vocal nuance etc. are also included in non-verbal communication. It is important because it repeats verbal messages, regulate interactions, become complement to verbal messages etc. Written: written communication is also important like non-verbal and verbal communication. Preservation of our memories can be influenced significantly by written communication. Many researchers think written communication is the most effective and most useful way to communicate in Health and social care workplaces with verbal language as it prevents misunderstanding, helps to remember all important details or, helps to keep important data, helps to educate others, helps to deal with negative feelings, and helps to share knowledge with others and many more. Listening: It is also important. If the social workers do not listen to the service users properly, misunderstandings can happen. Social workers should listen with full concentration of the service users as it is included in codes of practice. Discuss the ways in which communication influences how individuals feel about themselves. Moss (2007) has stated that different types of communication can influence individuals feelings differently. Impersonal and interpersonal communications are two of them. Impersonal communication means the way to treat people as objects or respond to their roles rather than to who they are as unique people which is normally impersonal and superficial. Usually people communicate by impersonal way. It can make a rational choice to protect people willingly but it doesnt get them too close. People do not feel very good by this communication method. Conversely, according to Greene and Burleson (2003), interpersonal communication is a special form of unmediated human communication that occurs when we interact simultaneously with another person and attempt to mutually influence each other, usually for the purpose of managing relationships. It usually occurs simultaneously while people are talking and listening. For example, it can be observed by their- eye contact, clothing, body posture, and facial expressions. People usually feel happy with this communication method and it is very useful to apply in health and social care workplaces. Describe ways of dealing with inappropriate interpersonal communication between individuals. According to Stacks and Salwen (2008), inappropriate interpersonal communications between individuals begin usually from incorrect use of vocabulary or use of passive vocabulary. It also arises from cultural insensitivity or misinterpretation of body language which can lead to communication gap. There are a few ways to deal with inappropriate interpersonal communication and those can be: Rephrasing or using the simplier words while speaking or communicating. Repeating the words with meaningful gestures. Analyzing the communication gap that has been occurred, spotting and fixing the cultural faux pas and remedying that without delay. Staying Focused and listen carefully. Trying to see their point of view Responding to Criticism with Empathy Using I Messages: Rather than We. Look for Compromise Instead of trying to win the argument, look for solutions that meet everybodys needs. Analyse the use of techniques and strategies for supporting communication between people with specific communication needs. In the UK there are many people like deaf, blind who need specific communication needs and these can be lip-reading, speech to text, electronic notes, sign languages, Braille etc. Anon (n.d.) states that around 242,000 people are deaf-blind and two million people are suffering from hearing loss in the United Kingdom. Research has shown that almost 1.4 million people are using hearing aids regularly. Around 50,000 people use sign language as their preferred language. Many British are using interpreters as well but the ratio of interpreters and service users are significantly low in the UK. Pomegranate mobile phone and these technologies can be used to support these persons. Evaluate workplace strategies, policies and procedures for good practice in communication. According to Best et all (2003), in health and social care workplaces, there must have good practice for workplace strategies, policies and procedures for communication. Good procedures in communication means to follow the privacy policies, not to spread personal information to unauthorized persons, Keeping confidentiality, consent, disciplinary procedures, protecting hharassment, maintaining equal opportunities, having paternity and maternity leave, playing by rules, following data protection acts, not to reveal any data without taking permission etc. Good communication policies and strategies include adoption policy, complaints policy, whistle blowing policy, grievance policy etc. These policies, procedures and strategies help to build up a smooth and friendly workplace. Question 2 Describe physical, cultural and legal influences on communication in health and social care by: 2.1 Analyse how methods of communication are influenced by individual values, culture and ability. Littlejohn Foss (2005) and Samovar et al (2009) have stated that individual values, culture and ability can influence the communication methods significantly in health and social care. Value means the principles, standards, or quality which guides human actions. It also defines the acceptable standards which govern the behaviour of individuals within the organization. Without having such values, individuals will pursue behaviours that are in line with their own individual value systems, which may lead to behaviours that the organization doesnt wish to encourage. Another thing is organizational values which are the beliefs and ideas about what kinds of goals members of an organization should pursue and ideas about the appropriate kinds or standards of behaviour organizational members should use to achieve these goals. It influence communication as it develops organizational norms, makes sense about things are good or bad, which things are more or less important. It also promotes anti discriminatory practice and diversity, protects people from abuse, keeps confidentiality, gives peoples rights to dignity, autonomy, independence and safety, understanding other peoples beliefs and identities. According to them, culture can influence communication method as well. Culture means the values, traditions, worldview, and social and political relationships that are created, shared, and transformed by a group of people bound together by a common history, geographic location, language, social class, and/or religion. It is a dynamic, constantly changing process that is shaped by political, social and economic conditions. It manipulates communication by guiding people in their thinking, feelings, and acting etc. Describe legislation and charters governing the rights of individuals to communicate. There are specific law, legislations and charters governing the rights to communicate and these can be NHS and community care act 1990, sex discrimination act, Disability discrimination act (DDA) etc. Research from Mandelstam (2008) has shown that NHS and community care act 1990 ensures the full independence of the individuals among these legislations and charters,. According to this act, every service user should be shown respect. No one can be discriminated at any way whatever their race, sex, origin, religion, age etc. In addition, everyone including patients with mental health, learning disability, children should be treated as an individual while communicating. everyone should have their communications needs valued and respected, whether they are verbal or non-verbal. The charter sets out the rights for disable people in terms of their disability which includes information, Support and training, Time to communicate, Access to services, Inclusion in social networks, Services from Employers etc. In addition, according to him and Disability act 2006, every person with a communication disability has a right to receive information in a way that they can receive and respond. A wide range of recognized and meaningful symbols, materials, signs, alternative communication methods should be available everywhere for disabled people. employers must provide training for customer-facing staff to offer alternative communication at help desks and service points, e.g. a map, pencil and paper, pictures. Also we know that Every person with a communication disability has a responsibility to identify how they can communicate to exchange information. To do this, they can carry carry a card explaining what the difficulty is, in plain English or explaining what they need to help them at the outset. They should be given enough time to understand as well. In the same time, they should be given positive support from their family, friends and care workers. Discuss the implications in health and social care contexts of legislation and codes of practice relating to records and communication of information about people. According to Dziegielewski (2003) and Trainor (n.d.), keeping record of information in health and social care is very important and sensitive. There are specific law, legislations and codes of practice relating to records keeping and communication of information about people. They can follow European, national or UN law, charters and codes of practice while keeping records. But service providers should keep information by following data protection act 1998. According to this act Personal information must be stored on the case files or in the recording books and it should only be available to those who are directly involved with the care of the Person and to those responsible for the maintenance of good practice and standards. Both Manual and computer records should be stored against unauthorised access. Also, it is not allowed to copy of any documents (including medical records, personal records, political views etc.) for any purpose other than for the purpose of the well-being of th e service users. For example, a social worker may need to send a clients details to a doctor. So, he/she may need to do some copy of his/her clients documents. So, it is allowed by the contexts of legislation. Analyse the effectiveness of organisational systems policies in relation to good practice in communication. Usually organizational systems, policies and procedures are very effective for the good practice in communication. Keyton (2005) noted that every organization has different communication policies in relation to good practice. It builds confidentiality and good relationship among the stakeholders, employees and service users. In addition, communications Policy ensures to use the organizational communications facilities, including internet, email, fax, phone, sms etc. It also guides to use fast and reliable way of communication which has significant advantages for health and social care workplaces. In the same time, it warns to its employees about the dangers and misuse of communication. It also inform to its employees that none can be discriminated during communicating. For example, some people may have difficulty to understand some communication methods. So, good organizational policies will provide a framework or a way to overcome these problems. Values, personal moral qualities, re specting service users dignity and autonomy are also included to good practice in communication and these are usually mentioned in organizational policies. Suggest and justify ways of improving communication systems in a health or care setting. Effective and constructive communication is vital as it helps to support, achievement and well being of our society. The ways to improve communicating systems in health and social care are given below: Having enough employees to accomplish their jobs smoothly. If there is shortage of employee, people may not do their jobs in time. In addition, additional work load may put stress on the staff. As a result, they may not communicate with service users and staff properly. Effective and constructive communication method must be built up among the GP practices, dentists, pharmacists, NHS, emergency services, care trusts. Using both electronic (e-mail, text message, fax, phone etc.) and paper messages (letters, newsletters, leaflets etc) for day to day communication. In addition, having common software to share information or a database system among the partnership organizations can also help to improve communication system. Health and social care officials as well as normal staff should arrange regular meeting among themselves to share their views regarding their progress, future plan etc. Proper implementation of data protection act can also help to improve communication. Demonstrate ability to communicate appropriately using range of techniques. According to Marincek (2001) and Jones Cregan (1986), there are many people in the United Kingdom who need to communicate by special communicating techniques. Especially, children, elderly people, hearing disabled people use these techniques which are given below: Text messaging, using sign language, lip reading, converting speech to text can be used to communicate with deaf people. Probably sign language is the most effective way to communicate with deaf people as it has its own right. It also covers the whole system of communication. On the other hand, text messaging is the easiest way to communicate as almost everyone can read it. But people may not be able to express their emotions by this way. Blind people prefer to use voice recorder, speaking or listening to communicate. Technology can give lots of benefit to blind people. For example, if there is a blind employee in an organization and she/he has to gather data from internet then she/he can be benefited by using voice or audio system. Further, if anyone wants to leave some information to someone who is blind then he can convert his message to voice so that blind receiver can receive it. Basically, I have to be very careful while communicating with communication disabled people. For example, my body position, speaking style, listening style have to be well-developed and I have to be patient so that they can understand me without any difficulty. (Word Count : 1200 Words) Explore the use of information technology in communications in health and social care by: Demonstrate ability to access and use standard IT software, used routinely, to support work in health and social care. Harlow and Webb (2003) stated that every health and social care worker should have good knowledge regarding IT software to support their daily activity. To support my work, I use Microsoft office, Microsoft power point, Microsoft excel, Microsoft access, Microsoft word, spreadsheet, Microsoft outlook, internet, notepad etc. According to Shaffer et al (2007), Microsoft office is very useful to manage day to day activities. I can preserve almost all the documents, work history by using Microsoft office word. Notepad is also useful to take and save the short notes. I use Microsoft office access to create normal database solution, tables, forms, reports, queries, graphs etc. I have to use spreadsheet to support my work as well. It is software by which I can access multiple cells. I can find out any individuals details within a click. For example, I can access to service users details if they just provide me their surnames or dates of birth. Microsoft outlook and internet are one of the most useful software that I use. I use outlook to send and receive any electronic mail. I can save my mails as well if there is no internet connection. I can send those when I get internet connection. I use internet to collect data. Analyse how the use of IT in health and social care benefits service users. Leathard (2003) and Cnaan Parsloe (1989) have shown that information technology benefits both the service users and service providers in various ways in health and social care. Disable people, mental health patients, blind people, deaf people, speechless people and even sometimes healthy people are being benefitted by use of information technology. The ways are described below: Disabled people: According to Hawkridge et al (1985) and Anogianakis Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe (1997), information technology has added new scope to disabled peoples life. Now, those who are deaf can use hearing aid to overcome their listening barriers. Blind people are being benefitted by using audio system. Now, they can conduct their day to day activities by this method. Even, now language converter is being used for those people who are not efficient in a common language like English. So, service users can describe their problem elaborately without facing any hassle. Developed service: Now-a-days, all the health care specialists who are authorised can access to patient details. So, they can exchange their views and knowledge regarding their service and patients treatment. As a result, better and improved services are provided to the clients. In addition, patient can get various services from one person. Treatment and medicine: Slee et al (2001) have stated that, now patients can gather data regarding their disease and can get information about the potential medicine. So, patient can discuss with his doctor if there is any mistake in the prescribed medicine. As a result, patient can get escape from a great problem. In addition, e-medicine can boost the knowledge of doctors. All the health care specialists including social workers and service users can gather lots of information by using website as well as internet conferences. Critically evaluate how the IT supports and enhances the activities of care workers and care organisations/agencies. According to Cnaan Parsloe (1989), the activities of a care worker or a care agencys activities can be significantly enhanced by information technology. For example, a care worker can preserve any medical data digitally which is quick and cost effective. Next time, another care worker does not need to waste his or her time to look for clients medical report or medication history. She/he can get it easily and quickly if she/he is efficient in IT. It also reduces work load and care workers or care organizations can concentrate on other tasks quickly. Another important thing is, doctors can be benefited from IT significantly. For example, the GPs can use a software where all medical and drug information will be pre-saved. So, all information regarding to that drug will be shown automatically while prescribing that to a patient. It can save lots of time because doctors or care workers then will not need to look for the information regarding any medicine. To implement this, a very good network and communication between pharmacists and doctors is essential. Analyse health and safety legal considerations in the use of IT. The health and safety legal considerations should come to light in the use of information technology because inappropriate use of IT can damage employees health. Even it has a long term effect on physical condition. According to Koreneff (2005), employees health and safety matters must be considered in the workplace. Those who usually work in front of computer screen or anything like that may suffer from eye strain, headache, back pain, fatigue etc. Employees should take regular break or change the activity for 10 minutes after doing one hour works to prevent this. They should keep their body in a right posture to prevent back pain. Right posture includes keeping back side supported, head up, hands relaxed, knees are leveled with hip, feet are flat with floor, screen is directly in front and not in angle etc. Hands and wrists are usually most comfortable when forearm is nearly at a right angle to upper arm and wrist is in a straight line with hand and forearm. Complain should be made against an organization if that fails to provide these types of workplace. Employers must provide a workplace for the employees which will meet all the requirements of health and safety to use IT.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Oppositions in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness Essay -- Heart Darkne

Oppositions in Heart of Darkness      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness is full of oppositions.   The most obvious is the juxtaposition of darkness and light, which are both present from the very beginning, in imagery and in metaphor.   The novella is a puzzling mixture of anti-imperialism and racism, civilization and savagery, idealism and nihilism.   How can they be reconciled?   The final scene, in which Marlow confronts Kurtz's Intended, might be expected to provide resolution.   However, it seems, instead, merely to focus the dilemmas in the book, rather than solving them.      Ã‚  Ã‚   Throughout the first part of his interview with Kurtz's Intended, Marlow talks about saving her from the darkness:    "Yes, I know," I said with something like despair in my heart, but bowing my head before the faith that was in her, before that great and saving illusion that shone with an unearthly glow in the darkness, in the triumphant darkness from which I could not have defended her-from which I could not even defend myself." (93)    The Intended believes wholeheartedly in Kurtz, as well as in the greatness of civilization and imperialism.   As Marlow now knows well, her ideals are nothing but illusion; however, he acknowledges and protects them.   He has a somewhat sexist view of women; as he has stated previously in his narrative, he believes that women cannot deal with reality and thus need illusions in order to survive.   It is noteworthy, however, that even though this observation comes before the interview with the Intended in the sequence of narration, the story is being told after the interview has happened, and thus it is not unreasonable to suppose that Marlow's opinion of women has been formed from this very inci... ... Adelman, Gary. Heart of Darkness: Search for the Unconscious. Boston: Little & Brown, 1987. Conrad, Joseph.   Heart of Darkness.   Ed. Ross C Murfin.   Second ed.   New York: Bedford Books, 1996. Levenson, Michael. "The Value of Facts in the Heart of Darkness." Nineteenth-Century Fiction 40 (1985):351-80.    Professor's Comments: Very well done--subtle and perceptive and well-argued.   A very sophisticated and beautifully written paper as a whole. I wish you'd included the details of the setting, but mainly, see question on p. 4 [Well--acknowledge that her "certainty" only exists, and is only "unextinguishable", because it's blind illusion.   Do you think that's what Conrad offers us as a source of hope?] : you stop just short of moving out to Conrad, and what he may offer us by way of "certainty" and even hope in the midst of all the fogginess.     

The Loneliness Of mice and Men :: essays research papers

The Loneliness Of Mice and Men   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the touching and gripping tale of John Steinbeck’s novel, Of Mice and Men, he explains many themes throughout the books. One of the major themes is loneliness, which is shown throughout many different characters, for example, Curley’s wife, the stable buck (Crooks), and Lennie.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"’I get lonely’ she said ‘You can talk to people, but I can’t talk to nobody but Curley, else he gets mad. How’d you like not to talk to nobody?’† (Page 87) This quote is said by Curley’s wife when all the men went to town, including her husband. It shows that she spends all her time alone, in her house as the men work in the fields. She is also not allowed to talk to anyone but her husband who spends all of this time in the fields, so she feels like she is living alone all her life. This forces her to talk to anybody she finds. This shows her case of loneliness, and Crooks almost has the same situation. â€Å"A guy goes nuts if he ain’t got nobody. Don’t make no difference who the guy is, long’s he’s with you. ‘I tell ya’ he cried. ‘I tell ya a guy gets too lonely an’ he gets sick.† (Page 72-73) As you can see, Crooks also spends most of his time alone because he is black. He is not allowed to enter the bunk house nor go to town with the guys. He is not allowed to enter the bunk house, he is not allowed to go to town with the guys and nobody likes him because he is black. This shows that he has no friendship and his whole life is filled with loneliness. His case is different from Lennie’s.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"You ain’t gonna leave me, are ya George. I know you ain’t (page 103)†¦ S’pose George don’t come back, s’pose he took a powder and just ain’t comin back.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Parental Involvement Benefits Elementary School Childrens Essay

Parental Involvement Benefits Elementary School Childrens Parental involvement has many positive effects on both child and parent. Some of the benefits of parental involvement for children are a significantly increased cognitive development, an improvement in the child’s motivation, a stronger parent-child relationship and, of course, increased academic achievement. Some of the benefits parental involvement has on parents are gaining a more positive attitude about themselves and their parenting skills, increased self-confidence and an increased satisfaction about their child’s school and faculty at the school (Becher, 2001). There are many benefits to parents’ involvement in their elementary school child’s life, but, possibly the most important benefit is in helping the child’s academic achievement. First of all, why the recent interest in parent involvement? Many might give credit to Section 1118 of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. This section of â€Å"No Child Left Behind† requires any school district in the United States that receives Title I, Part A funds to execute programs, activities, and events that enable parents to get involved. Title I forces school districts to make a strong effort to communicate with and get feedback from parents who want to be involved in the programs, activities and events directed towards parent involvement. The districts are required to provide equal involvement opportunities for all parents, including those who speak limited English, are disabled, and parents of migratory children. Every school district is required to develop together, agree on with and distribute to parents the districts plan on parent involvement programs (â€Å"No Child Left Behind†, 2002).... ... Power. New York: Hyperion. This is a book I came across at the Towson public library. Kirshbaum starts off with a chapter full of various studies that have been done that prove how beneficial parent involvement is. The book is then broken down into four sections of ninety different ways parents can get involved in their child’s life and have their child get the most out of their education. Peterson, D. (1989). Parent involvement in the education process. ERIC Digest EA 43. Retrieved April 3, 2003, from This article briefly discusses why parent involvement is so important. Peterson then discusses how parent involvement is particularly beneficial for at-risk children. Peterson also mentions how parents can get involved and how parent-involvement programs can be implemented on a district wide basis.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Dust Bowl of the 1930s

The Dust Bowl of the 1930’s had such an antagonistic effect on the United States economy that was already plummeting. The Dust Bowl affected the U. S economy in just about every way possible ranging from agriculture to finances including government expenses to population changes. This phenomena can be considered as one of the worst natural disasters that has affected the United States. The â€Å"Dust Bowl† was the name given to the Great Plains region that was greatly affected by drought in the 1930’s during the Great Depression. The major contribution that led to the Dust Bowl was overproduction of crops however there were some natural causes. Much of the soil there had been damaged by wind and rain. The soil in this area was subjected to water and wind damage because the protective cover of vegetation was impaired through poor farming and the grazing of too many animals† (World Book Encyclopedia). The overproduction was due in part to the fact that the co untry was in the midst of World War I. â€Å"During World War I international demand for food crops like wheat and corn soared. Because of this farmers planted more crops and took out loans to buy land and equipment. But after the war demand for farm products declined and crop prices fell by fifty percent† (Danzer 651-652). In and effort to make up for the falling prices, farmers tried to plant even more crops, but this only caused lower prices. As a result of these poor land management practices and lack of precipitation the land became arid. There was little grass and few trees to hold the soil down. When the wind storms hit, dust was blown all over, making it virtually impossible for farming. When farming in the Great Plains was no longer a way of making a living many of the inhabitants left the land behind and moved west to California in search of work. â€Å"Plagued by dust storms and evictions, thousands of farmers and sharecroppers left their land behind. They packed up their families and their few belongings and headed west, following route 66 to California† (Danzer 652). The term Okies was coined to describe the migrants from Oklahoma but was later used to describe all migrants. â€Å"By the end of the 1930’s, the population of California had grown by more than one million† (Danzer 652). Those who remained in the drought regions were forced to endure severe dust storms and their health effects, diminished incomes, animal infestations, and the physical and emotional stress over their uncertain futures was unbearable (National Drought Mitigation Center, online). As the Great Depression wore on, the government took steps to intervene and try to save the nation. Led by the effort within the U. S. Department of Agriculture, newly created agencies like the Soil Conservation Service (SCS), the Resettlement Administration (RA), and the Farm Security Administration (FSA) were the loudest to publicize and deplore the Dust Bowl wracking America's heartland (Cunfer, online). Also led by the President Herbert Hoover and the United States Congress, the Federal Home Loan Bank Act was passed in 1933. This act lowered mortgage rates for homeowners and allowed farmers to refinance their farm loans and avoid foreclosure. Newly elected President Franklin Delano Roosevelt succeeded Hoover in 1932 during the ongoing Depression. FDR proposed many acts to try and resolve the national issues in his program titled the â€Å"New Deal† . One of his most recognized acts that directly assisted farmers was known as the Agricultural Adjustment Act. â€Å"This act sought to raise crop prices by lowering production, which the government achieved by paying farmers to not grow† (Danzer 667). A second program that was passed was the Civilian Conservation Corps. This program put young men to work to perform public jobs including planting trees and helping soil erosion. The United States government spent unprecedented amounts of money to recover from the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl. â€Å"The magnitude of the droughts of the 1930s, combined with the Great Depression, led to unprecedented government relief efforts. Congressional actions in 1934 alone accounted for relief expenditures of $525 million, the total cost would be impossible to determine† (National Drought Mitigation Center, online). Despite all the negative effects of the Dust Bowl and the Great Depression there were a few positives. For one thing all the government sponsored programs provided jobs and a source of income for those who were unemployed. Also the Roosevelt era marked the beginning of large-scale aid. This also ushered in some of the first long-term, proactive programs to reduce future vulnerability to drought (National Drought Mitigation Center, online). The Dust Bowl was one of the worst natural disasters that has affected the United States. This disaster along with the Great Depression had negative influences on agriculture, state populations, and finances including individual families and the government. However, in the face of all this commotion a few positive results occurred. People found jobs and a source of income and the government was able to bring the nation out of turmoil. Work Cited Danzer, Gerald A, et al. â€Å"The Depression. † The Americans. Boston: McDougal Littell, 2000. 642-676. Print. â€Å"Dust Bowl. † The World Book Encyclopedia. Vol. 4. N. p. : Field Enterprises, 1958. Print. 18 vols. Drought in the Dust Bowl Years. National Drought Mitigation Center, 2006. Web. 14 Nov. 2009. . Cunfer, Geoff. EH. Net Encyclopedia: The Dust Bowl. N. p. , n. d. Web. 14 Nov. 2009. .